Today I was on and this was one of the posts:
**One day a man jumped off the Golden Gate bridge.
When the police went searching through his house afterward, they found a note. It read:
"Today I will walk to the bridge. If anyone smiles at me, I won't jump."
I make a point to smile at everyone now**
This just goes to show that you never know what others are going through it just goes to show that everyone should be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle and the kindness you show one person can really change their life in this case especially. Everyone has struggles and sometimes its hard to always be happy and smile when we have our own struggles and heartaches to go through but that one person you smile at or complement could see this small act as a big deal. Your random act of kindness could be the one thing in another person's life that make life bearable and gives them hope for their future. So pass on a smile and try to take away the pain that others are feel even if just for a moment and in turn you can even cheer yourself up at the same time
bye for now,
Gina :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It Led Me Here to This
Why is it that sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same? Most of the time I wish life came with an instruction manual something to let people know they were on the right track, but no life does not choose to be that easy. In reality life is filled with difficult decisions and moments that test how strong we really are. In these moments who will we be? Will we embrace the journey that life decides to take us on or will we cower in fear of the unknown. Things happen when you least expect it, one moment you could be innocently living your life and the next your whole world could change. The truth is that we have to have faith in the person we are and the fact that God is watching over our lives. No one can choose for something to surprise them and sometimes the saddest moments of our lives are when we grow the most.
The pain and suffering that life gives us molds and shapes us into the people we become. It is was not for the experiances and events of our lives we would not be the people we are today, strong and confident in the fact that we can handle anything that life throws our way because WE CAN! Never feel as if the weight of the world is on you because through your friends and family you can get through anything. If life were easy and always pleasant it would also be boring. With the pain comes great moments of happiness. Never regret anything that once made you happy because it is these moments of happiness that make life worth it all. We are able to see the happiness because of the struggles we experiance if there were not struggles we would not fully be able to appreciate the good times we have in our lives.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
What is money really worth
"I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen".....or do I?
Whenever we think of money we always see no worries and a carefree life, but I don't think this is not always the case. The more money a person has the more they have to be careful with who they associate with and the motives of these people. It's often true that the more money you have the more friends you have, but not the true friendships that we all long for. With the money comes the lies and the backstabbing. No longer do people value you for the person you are, but most just see the dollar signs that are associated with you. As the saying goes its lonely at the top and when you have the power of money you come to learn that very quickly.
In today's world we are so obsessed with material things that we forget what truly matters in life. everyone looks to celebrities and thinks that they are so lucky, but taking a real look we can see their flaws. How many of them are in dysfunctional relationships?? How many of them need drugs and prescriptions just to make it through the day as they go into and out of rehab?? showing that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Personally for me, I don't know what I would do without real friends who like me for me not what I can get them or how I can increase their social status. Anyone who only values money and cares about the class a person has will never be happy and may even use their insecurities about themselves to bring others down. As they only seek out those who are rich they fail to appreciate the greatness of those who do not have the cash, but have a great heart. In life I chose to value people and not possessions. I want to find a partner in life that will be loyal to me and not just throw me to the curb when they are bored, which leads me to believe that even though I may not get what I want all the time at least I have the main things I need to survive and support that will keep me from falling to the traps of a lonely, sad life that revolves around hanging out with the right people and having tons of money.
so yes I may want to be a billionaire when first thinking about it, but i soon realize that there are much more important things that are priceless and without these things life would be unsustainable to me.
bye for now,
Gina :)
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen".....or do I?
Whenever we think of money we always see no worries and a carefree life, but I don't think this is not always the case. The more money a person has the more they have to be careful with who they associate with and the motives of these people. It's often true that the more money you have the more friends you have, but not the true friendships that we all long for. With the money comes the lies and the backstabbing. No longer do people value you for the person you are, but most just see the dollar signs that are associated with you. As the saying goes its lonely at the top and when you have the power of money you come to learn that very quickly.
In today's world we are so obsessed with material things that we forget what truly matters in life. everyone looks to celebrities and thinks that they are so lucky, but taking a real look we can see their flaws. How many of them are in dysfunctional relationships?? How many of them need drugs and prescriptions just to make it through the day as they go into and out of rehab?? showing that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Personally for me, I don't know what I would do without real friends who like me for me not what I can get them or how I can increase their social status. Anyone who only values money and cares about the class a person has will never be happy and may even use their insecurities about themselves to bring others down. As they only seek out those who are rich they fail to appreciate the greatness of those who do not have the cash, but have a great heart. In life I chose to value people and not possessions. I want to find a partner in life that will be loyal to me and not just throw me to the curb when they are bored, which leads me to believe that even though I may not get what I want all the time at least I have the main things I need to survive and support that will keep me from falling to the traps of a lonely, sad life that revolves around hanging out with the right people and having tons of money.
so yes I may want to be a billionaire when first thinking about it, but i soon realize that there are much more important things that are priceless and without these things life would be unsustainable to me.
bye for now,
Gina :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Things Happen For A Reason
Things happen for a reason. In order to believe this statement you have to feel that there is some form of redemption in the world and that there is someone or something out there that has your best interest at heart. Many things in life are out of our control and we are just mere players in the game of life, but there is still a lot about life we can control and that includes our outlook on life and the people we chose to surround ourselves with. Taking a good firm look at life I can say that not all of the moments in my life have been happy or joyous, but I can say without a doubt that it is because of my life and its events that I am the person that the world sees today. I could not imagine my life any other way, yes at times life does not always care what is right or what is fair, but from these experiences life offers us a chance to grow and really see what we are truly made of.
Life is never absolute and we never can truly tell whether we are making the right decision when this situation can not be clearly defined as either black or white, but ambiguously lies in the gray region. But we can all learn to take our experiences and learn from them so that next time we will be able to make a better more well informed choice and that we are able to see that not every bad event in our lives is meant to leave us crushed under its immensity. We have these life experiences to bring to light what we need to pay attention to and these events help shape the people we become.
But again the impact that the events of your life have on you is only determined by how you internalize them and if you can look deep enough to find their true value. Do you fully open your eyes to see that the world around? Do you Face the challenges of life head on?
The one great thing of life is that nothing is ever permanent. Things can and always change. When you are young you think that everything will always be the same that the popular kids will always be in your life making you feel inferior and that everyone who does not notice you or makes you feel left out will always be there to put you down, but when you grow up you get out into the world and see how really vast the world truly is and you are able to explore where you really fit in this world. Its no longer made up of the same people, but new and different people come into your life and these people help you through and help shape the person you become. Its never too late to take a stand and be the person you have always wanted.
If you are not happy with the life you are living then why not change it? We are only given this one life so we must make the best of it before it is too late! Our lives offer us lessons and examples but it is up to us to use these lessons and make changes to our lives where we see fit. Its never too late to make a change and be the person you want to see when you look in the mirror!!
Bye for now,
Gina :)
Life is never absolute and we never can truly tell whether we are making the right decision when this situation can not be clearly defined as either black or white, but ambiguously lies in the gray region. But we can all learn to take our experiences and learn from them so that next time we will be able to make a better more well informed choice and that we are able to see that not every bad event in our lives is meant to leave us crushed under its immensity. We have these life experiences to bring to light what we need to pay attention to and these events help shape the people we become.
But again the impact that the events of your life have on you is only determined by how you internalize them and if you can look deep enough to find their true value. Do you fully open your eyes to see that the world around? Do you Face the challenges of life head on?
The one great thing of life is that nothing is ever permanent. Things can and always change. When you are young you think that everything will always be the same that the popular kids will always be in your life making you feel inferior and that everyone who does not notice you or makes you feel left out will always be there to put you down, but when you grow up you get out into the world and see how really vast the world truly is and you are able to explore where you really fit in this world. Its no longer made up of the same people, but new and different people come into your life and these people help you through and help shape the person you become. Its never too late to take a stand and be the person you have always wanted.
If you are not happy with the life you are living then why not change it? We are only given this one life so we must make the best of it before it is too late! Our lives offer us lessons and examples but it is up to us to use these lessons and make changes to our lives where we see fit. Its never too late to make a change and be the person you want to see when you look in the mirror!!
Bye for now,
Gina :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
You Matter :)
"You ever look at a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died.... Just think, you could be a big part of someone else' life, and not even know it." - Lucas Scott from One Tree Hill.
How much does our life really matter to the people we surround ourselves with everyday? Would it make any difference if we were not there? This is a question that I feel most people often think about especially when going through a rough patch. They may even convince themselves that there existence doesn't matter that they are worthless to the world, but this is never true! Everyone has an impact on other people's lives whether they like it or not and it is only that person who has the ability to control this impact. Often times, however, we have on foggy glasses that don't allow us to truly see what we give to the world and that we could have a huge impact on someone's life and not even know it.
Every time near Christmas one of the major networks plays the classic black and white film "Its a Wonderful Life", which depicts the life of George Bailey. George had big dreams of traveling, but had to put his life on hold after his father passed away. So George stayed in his hometown of Bedford Falls to take care of his late father's building and loan business while his brother goes off to college is able to experience all the things George had dreamed of. Meanwhile George gets married and has a family just making it by through his work at the building and loan. Then one day the funds for the business are lost at the bank and now George is in trouble. As he examines his life he thinks to all the negative aspects of his life and wishes that he were never born.
Unlike the rest of us, George gets the rare opportunity to see what life would have been like had he never been born and soon realizes that his life truly does matter and that without him life would be vastly different. His wife would have been a lonely librarian, his brother would have never got the national medal of honor because George would have never saved him from almost drowning. And worst of all the town would have been controlled by a greedy banker who had no competition because after George's father died his building and loan would have gone out of business with no one to take care of it.
George gives us so much to see in our own lives. Before he was shown his impact on the world he believed he was no good and that his life had no meaning, but afterward he was able to see that the life he had made for himself and the person he had become effected everyone around him. That is what many people fail to see as well, that they matter to the people around them. Like Lucas stated you could be a big part of someone else' life and not even know it.
You never really know other people's situation and what other people are truly going through in their lives as you come into contact with them. They could be in a great mood or they could have just gotten the worst news imaginable and the time you take out of your day to talk with them or even just wave a friendly hello can change every thing for them without you even giving it a second thought. I think sometimes we often forget to do the little things because we are so caught up in the big moments of life, but the little things are the things that really do matter! The times when we say hello to the stranger walking down the sidewalk or when we tell our friends and family that we love and appreciate them. So make a new and start thinking of all the positive ways you can impact those around you and do them!! Share your sunshine with the world and remember that you do matter and let those around you know that they matter as well. Its been said you have to give love to get love so here is you chance to show the world how you really feel and to remember that to the world you may just be a regular person walking down the street, but to someone you could be the world and not even know it.
Bye for now,
Gina :)
How much does our life really matter to the people we surround ourselves with everyday? Would it make any difference if we were not there? This is a question that I feel most people often think about especially when going through a rough patch. They may even convince themselves that there existence doesn't matter that they are worthless to the world, but this is never true! Everyone has an impact on other people's lives whether they like it or not and it is only that person who has the ability to control this impact. Often times, however, we have on foggy glasses that don't allow us to truly see what we give to the world and that we could have a huge impact on someone's life and not even know it.
Every time near Christmas one of the major networks plays the classic black and white film "Its a Wonderful Life", which depicts the life of George Bailey. George had big dreams of traveling, but had to put his life on hold after his father passed away. So George stayed in his hometown of Bedford Falls to take care of his late father's building and loan business while his brother goes off to college is able to experience all the things George had dreamed of. Meanwhile George gets married and has a family just making it by through his work at the building and loan. Then one day the funds for the business are lost at the bank and now George is in trouble. As he examines his life he thinks to all the negative aspects of his life and wishes that he were never born.
Unlike the rest of us, George gets the rare opportunity to see what life would have been like had he never been born and soon realizes that his life truly does matter and that without him life would be vastly different. His wife would have been a lonely librarian, his brother would have never got the national medal of honor because George would have never saved him from almost drowning. And worst of all the town would have been controlled by a greedy banker who had no competition because after George's father died his building and loan would have gone out of business with no one to take care of it.
George gives us so much to see in our own lives. Before he was shown his impact on the world he believed he was no good and that his life had no meaning, but afterward he was able to see that the life he had made for himself and the person he had become effected everyone around him. That is what many people fail to see as well, that they matter to the people around them. Like Lucas stated you could be a big part of someone else' life and not even know it.
You never really know other people's situation and what other people are truly going through in their lives as you come into contact with them. They could be in a great mood or they could have just gotten the worst news imaginable and the time you take out of your day to talk with them or even just wave a friendly hello can change every thing for them without you even giving it a second thought. I think sometimes we often forget to do the little things because we are so caught up in the big moments of life, but the little things are the things that really do matter! The times when we say hello to the stranger walking down the sidewalk or when we tell our friends and family that we love and appreciate them. So make a new and start thinking of all the positive ways you can impact those around you and do them!! Share your sunshine with the world and remember that you do matter and let those around you know that they matter as well. Its been said you have to give love to get love so here is you chance to show the world how you really feel and to remember that to the world you may just be a regular person walking down the street, but to someone you could be the world and not even know it.
Bye for now,
Gina :)
Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello everyone out there in the blogging world :) I have recently decided to start a blog but i have no idea what to write for my first entry. I guess I should tell you all a little about myself...I am 21 and a senior in college who loves the color pink and is obsessed with the show One Tree Hill. I Love the summer time so I am really looking forward to the next couple of months of freedom before my last year of college is going to start. I really do not want to graduate and leave all the people I have grown with the past three years, but like most things time does not care about what I want and keeps moving along just as usual.
I am really grateful for all the friends I have made at school and my supportive family. I always try to stay positive through any situation because who wants to be miserable their whole life? Not me! I try to share my happiness with everyone even if at times I am not in the happiest of moods. I think one of the greatest pieces of advice I can give anyone going through a rough time is to always stay positive and if you try to make others around you smile not too long after you will be smiling as well. I feel that surrounding yourself with people who make you smile is the best way to start your journey towards happiness. No one can be happy all the time, but if you are never happy then you are really missing out on a great part of life. That is why i decided to name my blog live in the sunshine because i hope through my blog that i can brighten your day and make you see that the world is never as dark as one may think. Personally I think that in our world today sometimes it is hard to be happy when the economy is doing so poorly and the people who are in power controlling the government are not doing their best to represent the best interest of the American people, but there are still things out there that no one can take away and that is the attitude you chose to view the world in. Today as I sit writing this blog the sun is shining and there is a light refreshing breeze, is that not something that we can all be happy about and enjoy. Sometimes I feel we all get too caught up in the big things that don't really lead us to true happiness. Hopefully through my writings you will be able to smile and I hope you all enjoy whats to come :)
Bye for now,
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