Friday, July 30, 2010

Smile :-)

Today I was on and this was one of the posts:
**One day a man jumped off the Golden Gate bridge.
When the police went searching through his house afterward, they found a note. It read:
"Today I will walk to the bridge. If anyone smiles at me, I won't jump."
I make a point to smile at everyone now**
This just goes to show that you never know what others are going through it just goes to show that everyone should be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle and the kindness you show one person can really change their life in this case especially. Everyone has struggles and sometimes its hard to always be happy and smile when we have our own struggles and heartaches to go through but that one person you smile at or complement could see this small act as a big deal. Your random act of kindness could be the one thing in another person's life that make life bearable and gives them hope for their future. So pass on a smile and try to take away the pain that others are feel even if just for a moment and in turn you can even cheer yourself up at the same time

bye for now,
Gina :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It Led Me Here to This

Why is it that sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same? Most of the time I wish life came with an instruction manual something to let people know they were on the right track, but no life does not choose to be that easy. In reality life is filled with difficult decisions and moments that test how strong we really are. In these moments who will we be? Will we embrace the journey that life decides to take us on or will we cower in fear of the unknown. Things happen when you least expect it, one moment you could be innocently living your life and the next your whole world could change. The truth is that we have to have faith in the person we are and the fact that God is watching over our lives. No one can choose for something to surprise them and sometimes the saddest moments of our lives are when we grow the most.

The pain and suffering that life gives us molds and shapes us into the people we become. It is was not for the experiances and events of our lives we would not be the people we are today, strong and confident in the fact that we can handle anything that life throws our way because WE CAN! Never feel as if the weight of the world is on you because through your friends and family you can get through anything. If life were easy and always pleasant it would also be boring. With the pain comes great moments of happiness. Never regret anything that once made you happy because it is these moments of happiness that make life worth it all. We are able to see the happiness because of the struggles we experiance if there were not struggles we would not fully be able to appreciate the good times we have in our lives.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is money really worth

"I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen".....or do I?
Whenever we think of money we always see no worries and a carefree life, but I don't think this is not always the case. The more money a person has the more they have to be careful with who they associate with and the motives of these people. It's often true that the more money you have the more friends you have, but not the true friendships that we all long for. With the money comes the lies and the backstabbing. No longer do people value you for the person you are, but most just see the dollar signs that are associated with you. As the saying goes its lonely at the top and when you have the power of money you come to learn that very quickly.
In today's world we are so obsessed with material things that we forget what truly matters in life. everyone looks to celebrities and thinks that they are so lucky, but taking a real look we can see their flaws. How many of them are in dysfunctional relationships?? How many of them need drugs and prescriptions just to make it through the day as they go into and out of rehab?? showing that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Personally for me, I don't know what I would do without real friends who like me for me not what I can get them or how I can increase their social status. Anyone who only values money and cares about the class a person has will never be happy and may even use their insecurities about themselves to bring others down. As they only seek out those who are rich they fail to appreciate the greatness of those who do not have the cash, but have a great heart. In life I chose to value people and not possessions. I want to find a partner in life that will be loyal to me and not just throw me to the curb when they are bored, which leads me to believe that even though I may not get what I want all the time at least I have the main things I need to survive and support that will keep me from falling to the traps of a lonely, sad life that revolves around hanging out with the right people and having tons of money.
so yes I may want to be a billionaire when first thinking about it, but i soon realize that there are much more important things that are priceless and without these things life would be unsustainable to me.

bye for now,
Gina :)