Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Today is random acts of kindness day so the only question is who will you chose to show your kindness to today? but really we should be doing random actas of kindness every day. Brightening someone eles's day can in turn brighten our own day as well without doing much on our part. How many times a day to we fail to even say hi to those around us...the driver of the shuttle we are taking, the man sitting on the corner of the street, the janitor sweeping the floor infront of us. We all have the power to recognize the people around us and make them feel valued yet why don't we? Are we too busy with the affairs of our own lives or do we just not want to get involved in the lives of others around us? Either way brightening up someone's day can really brighten up our own and give us benefits that go far beyond the simple gesture we did for another person. Helping others who are going through a rought time can make us see that we are not alone in struggles to our pursuit of happiness. Everyone has a story and everyone needs some support along the journey of life. Its funny how we look at others as being so much different than ourselves when in reality we are all just people trying to do our best and at times failing in our efforts. Each of us has a story and each of us has expeirances with hard times and suffering. We all fight a different battle, but our end goal is always the same to have a good life in which we can be happy and prosper. Sometimes, like the song states, we just need a little help from our friends. 
so as we go on our day to day routines and place our mark on the world don't forget to show some kindness and compassion to those around you and maybe in return they will reciprocate the gesture. Karma has a way of coming around and maybe something you do for someone else will inspire them and the cycle will only grow :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nightly Typings

what is happiness and how do we achieve it? That is the question I have recently been faced with as I go forward in my life. Is happiness an ever evolving ever moving aim that changes as we grow older or do we know deep down what will make us happy we just get too distracted by the noise of the world around us. What if in our search for happiness we become enveloped in sadness and despair? I feel like for the most part I am a pretty happy go lucky person, but recently I have the ever increasing feeling that happiness does not have as strong a hold over my life and that I am failing to grasp at the way it is evolving. Is this a normal feeling to have. I mean when you honestly think about it when we are young we have very little to worry about and very little responsibility so why not be happy most of the time, but as we grow older were are bombarded with worry about the future our lives will take, who we will be and how the choices we make today will effect us for the rest of our lives.

But is all this stress really the cause of our unhappiness solely or can we break free to a world of happiness by just changing our attitude about the things we are going through. How much of our happiness depends on the state of our mind and how we chose to view the world? Is it my mind taking over with negative thoughts and feelings that is the real problem at work or am I just coming to the realization that something in my life should or needs to change?

We all just want to be happy and have our dreams come true, but how do we do that when we feel like our life does not seem to be leading us down the path we want to be on. how to we make the right decisions when we have expectations placed on us by others and commitments to other people?

I guess my real question is how do we be happy in a world that does its best to tear us down and make us feel insecure about ourselves and our lives? I just can't remember when it all changed. when my carefree happy life turned into something that seems dark and bleak. Or was it ever as happy and carefree as I thought? Do we look back on the past more fondly than truly was the case? and if so are we able to do that with our present and future as well?

How do we live a happy life?