Saturday, May 11, 2013


Another year has gone by and another class has graduated from Assumption College. Not a day goes by that I don't miss the time I had spent there with people I could never forget. I remember two years ago as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma and shook President Cesareo's hand and it feels as if it was yesterday. Where has the time gone? Looking back I can see a lot of things in my life have changed, but not the special place that Assumption and the friends I have made there hold in my heart. As I look at photos and statuses all over facebook celebrating the class of 2013 I hope they are able to see what a great opportunity they were given to go to Assumption and use the skills they have learned to reach their dreams. No one knows where they will end up out of college, but what they can be confident in is that Assumption and its community will always be behind them. As the Class of 2013 embarks on the next chapter of their lives they will, like anyone, have hard times and things will not always go as expected, but they need to remember that in the end things will work out and no one at this age really knows what the heck they are doing. Now is the time to pursue dreams and explore what it is that will make your life fulfilling to you. Going into the real world can be a scary thing, but fear not because you can do it. You can make a life for yourself and should not be afraid or fearful to move on to the next adventures in your life. So good luck Class of 2013 and remember Assumption is always your home and will always be filled with the memories you have made, but now is the time to make new memories as you venture off to do great things in the world. Though you may not be close to your friends anymore and won't be able to meet up in charlie's for a cup of coffee the friends you make at Assumption are there for a lifetime and will always do whatever they can to lend a helping hand. So go forth doing Assumption proud as you conquer the world and bring a little bit of Assumption's sunshine to the rest of the world. Good luck and congratulations on graduating, you did it!