Thursday, May 8, 2014

I have arrived!

Well May 1st has come and gone and I am happy to report I have moved to Boston! I feel so empowered that I set a date and stuck with it, however life on your own does take some adjusting to. One of the good things is that my roommates seem pretty cool so far, which is good! The downside, living on your own means you are responsible for yourself. You no longer have your parents to fall back on and take responsibility, it's all on you.  For example, when you forget to move your car on street cleaning night you are the one who gets to pay the ticket and when you don't go to the grocery store, you are the one that has to figure out a dinner plan. This may sound like I am complaining, but really its just something you never think of when you say you want to move out. Your roommates are obviously going to be there for you, but it is not their job to take care of you and vice a versa. It's after moving out that you grow your inner strength and really start to appreciate where you have come from. When you are living at home and have a job you go out and by fresh organic food, but when you are out on your own looking for work those prices do not seem worth your poverty.
I am glad I took the plunge because, yes, at times living on your own may not be the glamorous life I imagined, but it also offers you the chance to experience life and know that you can do it! As with any type of change you need to be open to new experiences and embrace life rather than running from it or staying in your comfort zone.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"She Said I think I'll Go to Boston..."

I have to admit I'm afraid. I fear the walls outside of my comfort zone. I have built them up so high that now i can not see past them and they consume my vision, but I must break free from them. I feel so safe in the world I have created for myself, but that does not mean that I should stay complacent with where I am because I also fear by staying where I am I will never be able to truly grow. I have always lived at home with my parents and for a few years in college lived with my friends, but now I feel the need to branch out and make a life for myself. But how do I leave a place that has been such a good home when I fear the unknown I will be pursuing?
Today i made a deadline that I will move to Boston by May 1st. Ideally I would like a good paying rewarding job before that time and I still do have three months to find one, but if not I decided I'm taking my savings and going. In a way i feel empowered because I am taking a stand in my life to do something, but in another way I feel as if I'm five and want to run into my bed an hide under the covers. I don't know why this is so hard for me people do this everyday they grow up and move out of their childhood homes. It's not a revolutionary idea, it's just something that every grown human being must go through at some point in their adult life. For some reason the thought of me actually doing it just makes me quiver. How is it that people do this? Am I the only one feeling this? Or maybe others are too, but they just try not to show it.
Its only natural to be resistant to change especially when the change you are undertaking will literally alter every aspect of your life. All I know is this house and these people who have raised me since I was born, it only natural to want to cling to the reliable and the situations I know, but who knows maybe a move will be just what I need. Maybe I want to be able to go up and down the stairs at any hour of the night, or talk when I have something to say at whatever volume I want or take care of myself instead of being doted on every second of the day. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful for all that my parents have done for me and given me the opportunity to experience, but at some point they need to trust that they raised me well and that I can make it on my own and its looking like that time is now.
I am someone that does not embrace change I like familiarity and predictability, but there comes a time in life where that can not be the case. In math class we learned about this theory called grow or die. Now I'm not going to go as far as to say that if I don't move out of my house I'm going to die, but the theory holds true that if you are not growing and moving forward in your life that you are not going to prosper. People need to constantly be challenging what they know to be their reality and do things that may not always be what is expected of them. what is the worst that could happen? Yes you could fail, but you have already failed if you don't even try to begin with.
So as I embark on this journey I ask God to watch over me and send good things my way because he is the one who has the power to bring blessings into our lives and he only wants good things for us. With him on my side who or what should I fear?
So hear goes nothing three months to move to Boston let the countdown begin!