Thursday, May 8, 2014

I have arrived!

Well May 1st has come and gone and I am happy to report I have moved to Boston! I feel so empowered that I set a date and stuck with it, however life on your own does take some adjusting to. One of the good things is that my roommates seem pretty cool so far, which is good! The downside, living on your own means you are responsible for yourself. You no longer have your parents to fall back on and take responsibility, it's all on you.  For example, when you forget to move your car on street cleaning night you are the one who gets to pay the ticket and when you don't go to the grocery store, you are the one that has to figure out a dinner plan. This may sound like I am complaining, but really its just something you never think of when you say you want to move out. Your roommates are obviously going to be there for you, but it is not their job to take care of you and vice a versa. It's after moving out that you grow your inner strength and really start to appreciate where you have come from. When you are living at home and have a job you go out and by fresh organic food, but when you are out on your own looking for work those prices do not seem worth your poverty.
I am glad I took the plunge because, yes, at times living on your own may not be the glamorous life I imagined, but it also offers you the chance to experience life and know that you can do it! As with any type of change you need to be open to new experiences and embrace life rather than running from it or staying in your comfort zone.