"Be thankful for whatever situation you are in because happiness will never come to those who don't appreciate what they already have". I think sometimes we are often too quick to judge our own situations without really seeing all that is going right in our lives. If your life is anything like mine then it is not always easy to see all the blessings you truly have until you actually take the time to step back and try to look for the good things in your life. All to often we see other people's lives as so much better than our own, but are they really? Why are we so quick to accept that others have their life together when we know from our own experiences that life is never actually able to be made that simple and neat?

I was taking with a former classmate of mine and I feel he brought up an interesting point. He asked me if I buy a scratch ticket and I win any money would I tell a lot of people and be really excited about it and I, being the person I am, would of course tell everyone and quickly post to Facebook and call my best friend in Thailand. However, he said what if you didn't win any money would you be so eager to share this information and I replied that I, for obvious reasons, would not be as eager to share this information with others, but would probably still tell my best friend :). Which he was quick to point out is true for many other events that happen in our lives. People tend to emphasize when things are going well in their lives and tend to hide when they are not, which just goes to show that you really should not be comparing your life to anyone else's because you are only getting what others are letting you see, which is the good things in their lives and all too often the bad is being de-emphasized and pushed to the side.
From Tara Burner Blog |
This is just something to think about when you get down and feel as if your life is the only one spinning out of control. Just remember its not just you. Right now as many of my friends and I, along with other young adults, try to figure out what we will do in the world and how we will make an impact that is lasting we need to remember not to compare our lives to others and think that we are alone in this struggle, but remember that everyone has their struggles. In most cases no one really knows what their plan in life should be until it happens. So don't get discouraged if you are thinking that this is not where you saw your self in life right now just remember there is a whole generation in your same shoes and no one ever really knows where to go next we are all just stumbling around to find what will make us happy and how to live in a world that does not always seem to play fairly. Therefore, embrace life and do what makes you happy because you only get one life to live so you better make it count! Look to appreciate where you are now in life rather than looking down on it and feeling bad about yourself. Everything will work out in the end! Believe that and for now just enjoy the unanswered questions and the moments of doubt. Remember life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful; its all about your perspective on the situation you are currently in.
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