Thursday, June 28, 2012

With Liberty and Justice For All

I have to say that I am disappointed. I just don't approve of the recent laws and rulings of the government. America is the best country in the whole world and I would never want to live anywhere else, but today we were truly tested on how far our elected officials are willing to take their "power". I personally am not an avid follower of politics, but do like to have at least some idea of what is going on in the country. I have felt the effects of our not so good economy, to put it lightly, as I search for a job and can tell that the country is not heading in the right direction.

Today the Supreme Court passed the individual mandate as part of Obamacare under the taxing power of government, but I honestly fear that the government will use this ruling to over reach their powers. If they can tax those that don't buy into heath care what is next? What if the government decides it wants you to own a certain size house or buy certain foods or only have energy saving cars, if you don't comply they can't force you to buy any specific product, but they can (according to the Supreme Court today) tax you for purchasing the undesirable product. All I can see is a threat to the freedom we have spent so many years to protect and defend and the worst part is that the threat is from within our own country.

Our country was founded due to the objections of our forefathers to the injustice of a tyrant, over controlling English ruler, so why would we want to go back to that now after all the lives that have been lost in order to ensure we would have our freedom and could live our life in the pursuit of happiness? Since when do we pass bills that are only explained after we pass them? And why are elected officials who claim that if things do not get better in their four years of office they will leave peacefully pour billions of dollars into their re-election campaign? Obama is even desperate enough to ask people to donate to his campaign in lue of a birthday or wedding gift...that is crazy! We believed that hope and change would come, but instead we got a government that wants to control everything and anything. You can't even buy the size soda you want in New York because it "leads to obesity" (even though there is no direct link), but don't worry you can celebrate donut day as long as you exercise moderation....what?? that makes no sense! The mayor claimed in an interview on the Today show that donut day was historic and should be celebrated in moderation, well what about soda can't the same be said? He claimed that that is what the soda ban was trying to help do, so basically what he was saying is he trust people not to eat too many donuts, but once people get near soda forget about it Americans need help...Do these politicians listen to themselves when they talk? or do they just like hearing the sound of their voices?

Today's decision has just further motivated me to stay involved in what is going on in this country and make my voice heard. Many who are upset know that this battle is not over and that come November our voices will be heard! We all need to band together to get Obama out of office and make sure we send the message to Congress that if they threaten our liberties they will pay the price and that their actions do hold consequences. One of the things that really annoys me about this whole healthcare issue is that whatever Congress or the President passes they will never have to be under it's jurisdiction. I feel that they need to get off their high horses and see what is really best for the American people and not what they can do to line their own pockets. So, yes Obama won today, but lets hope come November the American people will win and we can get back to the ideals and values that this great country was founded on. Lets hope that when we move forward that means great strides to keep government in check and not change into a socialist society. 

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