Friday, April 8, 2011

Letting God In

As I sit here and look on to the highway filled with wizzing cars I can physically see the craziness of the world outside. I our lives we are always in a rush to get anywhere, but for what? We rush and rush and push ourselves all for what satisfaction? To be the best? To have what others desire? But why can't we just take some time to spend alone and in silence with God? We don't spend enough time with God in our society. He is there for us at all times to infinity yet many fail to realize this fact. He is the one person who we don not need to convince to love us or impress with our worldly possessions yet he is the one being we all seem to forget about the most. In our world God often times seems in opposition as we convince oursleves that possessions matter and we should do whatever we want when we want to. Immediate gradification is all that most people are after not long lasting happiness that we can find in God. I watch the cars and think if only life could go at a slower pace and people could learn to appreciate what God offers them everyday...LIFE. I feel the world needs a savoir like God for people to believe in and strength them for the life they face everyday. God's love needs to be spread and this light should be found in each of us. Through our light we can let sunshine into people's lives and by doing so into our world as well. This wizzing cars don't know the love they can feel along with the happiness they will find in God. By looking for the sunshine of God's love people can find true and lasting happiness.

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