Monday, April 25, 2011

Every Day is a New Day

The greates gift we are given in life is the moments that make up our lives. In our lives we are the one who guides the decisions we make and the places we go. We can choose to go to places that make us happy or we can choose to succum to the darkness of our pain and downfalls. what are we going to choose?

My hope is that we will choose happiness and that we live our lives in a way that brings joy to our lives, but for everyone this is not the case. In some instances the pain and weight of the past has lead us to not see the magic in the new day, but only the pain of another hour of yet another day. I am not naive enough to believe that the world is a pleasant place where no suffering exists because I myself have been through rough times, but if we look at each moment of our lives as a chance to do better and be better then we are able to be filled with hope. Life takes us all on many different twists and turns, but there are times when we get to decide which direction we will take and we should never feel traped since life is ever evolving just like us as people. We all take wrong turns in life, but we are also able to grow from those experiances and through our rough times we are able to appreciate the good times we were able to experiance.

so look not onto life as a set steady path, but as any ever evloving maze that we must walk through challenging our selves and the people we think we are knowing along the way that we will need to make adjustments to our original plan, but accepting this fact and embarcing it :)

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