Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Live Life!

Recently I came across a quote talking about how you should live each and every moment to the fullest and claimed that, "every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back". How true this statement is and it reminded me how easily people get caught up in the bad of their lives that they fail to see the good. According to Anthony Robbins the only people that do not have problems are those in the cemetery. Let's be honest we all are dealing with the ups and downs life has given us, but by looking at the bright side of things and growing in times of struggle we can become stronger people who others will look to for inspiration.
Every person is viewed by those around them whether they like it or not and every person has the potential to show the people around them that they are stronger than the circumstances of their lives. That is the aim each and every one of us should have and as humans we like to see our fellow comrades overcoming the hardships of their lives because it gives us the hope that we will be able to do the same. Every person has someone that looks up to them for their life choices even if they don't know who that person is and by staying strong and overcoming these obstacles we show life that it will not get the best of us. One way we do this is by living a life fun of happiness in which we savor the moments we have with those we care about and laugh as much as we breath. Our greatest fear in life should not be when and how our life will end, but if and when it will truly begin.

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