Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letting Go

Moving on, we all have to do it at some point in our lives we move on from kindegarden to elementry school and eventually from college into the real world. We spend most of our young lives living with our parents and then must move on to growing up getting a job and supporting ourselves. And then there are relationships, we get into relationships hoping for the best and when they don't work out we have to move on, but how exactly do we do that? How do we go from loving someone with all our heart to cutting them completely out of our lives?
Breaking up with someone is never easy for the dumper and the person who is being dumped. Most people tend to side with the person who is dumped because they had no choice in the matter all the control for the decision was in the hands of the dumper, but what people fail to see is how for some dumpers they are just doing what they feel is right and that the decision they are making is not any easier on them because although they made the decision they really would have preferred not to. Now I know this is not the case in every relationship, but in my experience both sides still have equal right to miss the other. Because you got into the relationship in the first place means that something is there between the two of you that at one time you both recognized, but now you both have to let go.
What i have come to learn is letting go suck. excuse my lack of a better term, but I find that the more you have let someone in the harder it is to let them go out of your life and no matter how many people tell you, you will find someone else and that he was a loser you still know in your heart know how you felt and probably still feel about him.
We try to make the best decisions in life that hurt the least amount of people in the process, but sometimes as if often said the right road and the most difficult road are often the same. We often struggle to do what's best for both parties involved, but end up hurting both them and ourselves in the process. So what does that mean? I think it just means that in the process of letting go is also the hidden affect of us growing. Humans are only able to grow when they are faced with difficult times and getting through these hard times shows us how strong we really are. Did we make it through the day without going on his facebook page? Did you not text him recently? Those are the babysteps we need to be taking to let go and move towards where God wants us to be in our lives and that is happy.
Relationships end for many reasons, but the important thing is to recognize the good things that came out of them and identify the things that did not work so that the next time we enter into a relationship history will not repeat itself leaving us heartbroken for the same reason a second time.
Honestly I think I will always love him and he will always be a special person to me, but the fact is that I can not keep sitting here hoping things will change, but knowing deep down that they won't. I want him to be happy and not weighed down but my dissatisfaction when I am not happy with the way the relationship is going. I truly wish him all the best in life and in love and want him to find someone that will complement what a great person he is and I would like to find someone who makes me happy as well. Maybe sometime in the future we can be friends, but until that day I just want him to know that I never meant to hurt him and I wish much happiness and love to come his way.

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