Thursday, January 12, 2012

Things I have Learned

Life is an unexpected and crazy ride that each of us has the ability to learn from and grow. One thing I have recently been able to learn from life is the quality of being honest and freeing yourself from previous burdens. There is no way to move forward if you do not examine your life and see where forgiveness can fit in. You must forgive those in your past in order to help your future and have a happier life. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone fails us at some point, but it how we react to this that will affect the happiness in our lives and the lightness we will feel in our souls. Sometimes this forgiveness will manifests its self in doing something nice for someone we do not particularly like, or telling someone they are forgiven, or even just letting go of the anger we hold in our hearts. Whatever works for us needs to allow us to resolve the issue in our hearts so that we can greet each day with a smile and not with pent up anger and resentment for the people around us.
Next we owe it to the people we care about to be honest with them and tell them when they have hurt us in order to move from a place of hurt to a place of healing. No one will ever know how you are feeling and the thoughts in your head unless you tell them! Even your best friend can know most of your thoughts and how you will react to different situations, but they still will never fully understand you as a person because you are unique creature of God that has thoughts and feelings every second of everyday.
God allows us to forgive others by forgiving us for our own shortcomings. How do we expect God to forgive us if we ourselves can not forgive others? Forgiveness is a big step and comes from the realization that we are all human and make mistakes. Freeing ourselves of this burden of holding ill feelings towards another will allow us to feel better about ourselves and the world we are creating to live in with those lucky enough to share our life. You never know where life will take you and when someone will leave this world for a better place so always leave loved ones with kind words to comfort them and never hold grudges that affect your well being for in the end none of us are going to make it out alive, but we need to make the most of everyday in every way possible :)

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