Wednesday, May 2, 2012

You Hold The Power

You are in total control of your life whether you know it or not. You control what you will do and where you will go in your life no one else can do it for you nor can anyone else truly know what is right for you. People may know the stories of your life and the drama that has unfolded, but they will never be able to know your deep inner feelings that words will never be able to express. Just going to show that others do not have the right to judge the way you live your life and the paths you will decided to explore.  In life you have to take the time to really evaluate what you want and not be ashamed to admit when you are on the wrong path. Everyday we make decisions that affect where we will go in the future. Sometimes you will look around and say wow I don't know if I like where my life is heading. The great thing about life is, however, you have the right to say that and make the appropriate measures to change your current situation.

photo from Bits of Truth

Life is not set in stone, nothing is ever guaranteed. If there is one thing I have learned about life it is that you have to enjoy the good times while they last and weather through the storm for just a short bit because life is constantly changing and evolving. People will come into and out of your life and you will make life decisions that will take you in many various directions, but one thing that will always be true is that through it all you will be in control of your actions. You will be able to change your course whenever you want, even if it is hard to see that in the moment.
We all needed to be reminded that our goal in life is to be happy and if the path we are on is not making us happy then we are not on the right path. If we continue on the is path then we will continue to get the same results, however if we are courageous enough to recognize we need to make a change great things can happen. We have to not be afraid of the unknown and step wholeheartedly on. We can not let the fears of failure or uncertainty get the best of us and we can not let the voice in our heads that say change is impossible defeat us. We need to realize the that word impossible really means i'm possible! Why waste another minute not being happy?
There is a story of a five year old who was asked in one word what he wanted to be in life and he said happy, the teacher then responded that he did not understand the assignment, but he thought she didn't understand life. This story just goes to show how much we need to find our happy place in a world that does not always foster it for us. So really take the time to evaluate where you are going in life and where you actually want to be. What can you do today to make this limited time we have here on earth the best it can be?

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