Monday, May 24, 2010

Things Happen For A Reason

Things happen for a reason. In order to believe this statement you have to feel that there is some form of redemption in the world and that there is someone or something out there that has your best interest at heart. Many things in life are out of our control and we are just mere players in the game of life, but there is still a lot about life we can control and that includes our outlook on life and the people we chose to surround ourselves with. Taking a good firm look at life I can say that not all of the moments in my life have been happy or joyous, but I can say without a doubt that it is because of my life and its events that I am the person that the world sees today. I could not imagine my life any other way, yes at times life does not always care what is right or what is fair, but from these experiences life offers us a chance to grow and really see what we are truly made of.
Life is never absolute and we never can truly tell whether we are making the right decision when this situation can not be clearly defined as either black or white, but ambiguously lies in the gray region. But we can all learn to take our experiences and learn from them so that next time we will be able to make a better more well informed choice and that we are able to see that not every bad event in our lives is meant to leave us crushed under its immensity. We have these life experiences to bring to light what we need to pay attention to and these events help shape the people we become.
But again the impact that the events of your life have on you is only determined by how you internalize them and if you can look deep enough to find their true value. Do you fully open your eyes to see that the world around? Do you Face the challenges of life head on?
The one great thing of life is that nothing is ever permanent. Things can and always change. When you are young you think that everything will always be the same that the popular kids will always be in your life making you feel inferior and that everyone who does not notice you or makes you feel left out will always be there to put you down, but when you grow up you get out into the world and see how really vast the world truly is and you are able to explore where you really fit in this world. Its no longer made up of the same people, but new and different people come into your life and these people help you through and help shape the person you become. Its never too late to take a stand and be the person you have always wanted.
If you are not happy with the life you are living then why not change it? We are only given this one life so we must make the best of it before it is too late! Our lives offer us lessons and examples but it is up to us to use these lessons and make changes to our lives where we see fit. Its never too late to make a change and be the person you want to see when you look in the mirror!!

Bye for now,
Gina :)

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