Saturday, May 22, 2010

You Matter :)

"You ever look at a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died.... Just think, you could be a big part of someone else' life, and not even know it." - Lucas Scott from One Tree Hill.
How much does our life really matter to the people we surround ourselves with everyday? Would it make any difference if we were not there? This is a question that I feel most people often think about especially when going through a rough patch. They may even convince themselves that there existence doesn't matter that they are worthless to the world, but this is never true! Everyone has an impact on other people's lives whether they like it or not and it is only that person who has the ability to control this impact. Often times, however, we have on foggy glasses that don't allow us to truly see what we give to the world and that we could have a huge impact on someone's life and not even know it.
Every time near Christmas one of the major networks plays the classic black and white film "Its a Wonderful Life", which depicts the life of George Bailey. George had big dreams of traveling, but had to put his life on hold after his father passed away. So George stayed in his hometown of Bedford Falls to take care of his late father's building and loan business while his brother goes off to college is able to experience all the things George had dreamed of. Meanwhile George gets married and has a family just making it by through his work at the building and loan. Then one day the funds for the business are lost at the bank and now George is in trouble. As he examines his life he thinks to all the negative aspects of his life and wishes that he were never born.
Unlike the rest of us, George gets the rare opportunity to see what life would have been like had he never been born and soon realizes that his life truly does matter and that without him life would be vastly different. His wife would have been a lonely librarian, his brother would have never got the national medal of honor because George would have never saved him from almost drowning. And worst of all the town would have been controlled by a greedy banker who had no competition because after George's father died his building and loan would have gone out of business with no one to take care of it.
George gives us so much to see in our own lives. Before he was shown his impact on the world he believed he was no good and that his life had no meaning, but afterward he was able to see that the life he had made for himself and the person he had become effected everyone around him. That is what many people fail to see as well, that they matter to the people around them. Like Lucas stated you could be a big part of someone else' life and not even know it.
You never really know other people's situation and what other people are truly going through in their lives as you come into contact with them. They could be in a great mood or they could have just gotten the worst news imaginable and the time you take out of your day to talk with them or even just wave a friendly hello can change every thing for them without you even giving it a second thought. I think sometimes we often forget to do the little things because we are so caught up in the big moments of life, but the little things are the things that really do matter! The times when we say hello to the stranger walking down the sidewalk or when we tell our friends and family that we love and appreciate them. So make a new and start thinking of all the positive ways you can impact those around you and do them!! Share your sunshine with the world and remember that you do matter and let those around you know that they matter as well. Its been said you have to give love to get love so here is you chance to show the world how you really feel and to remember that to the world you may just be a regular person walking down the street, but to someone you could be the world and not even know it.

Bye for now,
Gina :)

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