Saturday, April 21, 2012

Take A Look Around

It is often said that life is not about the destination, but the journey. I was reminded of this on my drive home from grad school this weekend. I was trying to get back home as quickly as possible because I had an appointment I had to go to in town and I did not want to be late, as is normally my style. So I was driving along full steam ahead and on part of my route there was some construction, which made all the cars passing through have to slow down as they crossed the torn up road. All I could think was let's go I have to get home, I'm going to be late. However, upon looking around at my surroundings (while still keeping my eyes on the road) I noticed the cutest house along the side of the road. I had driven past this way numerous times to go home and have never noticed this house, but today as I took the time to really take in the scenery I was able to see it crystal clear. And this got me to thinking how often we do this same thing in our everyday lives. We are so busy trying to get places in the world whether it be in our cars or climbing the corporate ladder or finding the one we will marry that we often fail to see the good things that surround us in our current position.
We may think to ourselves once I get that six figure job or meet that perfect life companion I will be happy, yet we fail to see all the good things that are already present in our lives. Why do we have to wait to be happy? We need things like road blocks or wake up calls to really make us stop in our tracks and see the beauty this life has to offer. I definitely believe it is good to have goals and dreams for our lives, but i also feel that we should not get too wrapped up in where we envision our lives going that we fail to enjoy what life has to offer each and every day. We need to take the time to appreciate the people in our lives and not take for granted that they will always be with us on this life journey as well as appreciating each day we have because sadly that will end one day also. The journey of life must be enjoyed and not taken too seriously because as it has been quoted no one makes it out alive, so it is really just about making the most of the time you have and doing what makes you happy while still being kind to others.

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