Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time To Start The Life You Always Wanted

So recently I have been wanting a change. I want to start feeling like I am living life and not just watching it pass by. I want to start accomplishing more than just what is expected of me and what I ought to do. So with this being said I am taking a stand in my life and diving head first into the next chapter of my life.
I am going to do all the things I have wanted to do since I could remember. I am going to go out and do things for the sole purpose of having fun and enjoying life. I am going to cook foods that I have never made before, take trips to places I want to explore and most importantly try to find out who I am and what I want to do in life.
For the past 17 years I have been doing everything that has been expected of me, but now it is my turn to see the fun side of life. I want to be able to look back and see that I did things for me and not just because it was the next logical step in my life. At this point I am young and have my whole life ahead of me why not explore the world around me and take the time to really see the person I am and the person I want to become. Everyone is always waiting for something in order for thier life to start, but why can't it start right now?
When I started this blog originally I wanted to inspire people to be happy and I also want to show people it is never too late to do what makes you happy, better late then never. I want to try and capture the magic of life and share it with those of you who choose to read. I want to start doing things that I would never imagine doing just because I want to do them. You are only young once and nothing lasts forever so you must enjoy the time that god has given you while it lasts. Tell people that you care about that you love them and take the time to be there for your friends because things change and people change. No one is guarrenteed any particular amount of time on this planet so we need to make the most of it while we can!
So As I open the next chapter of my life I hope to share it with those who read my blog and hopefully inspire someone to do the same thing in their life. It doesn't need to be life altering to make an impact on your life it could be as simple as taking an hour out of your day to just focus on you and where you want to go in life or taking a day trip exploring your state in ways you never have before. Just listen to your heart and what you can feel will make you happy. It may not be easy, but then again when is life ever guarrenteed to be easy? If it were easy we would all be to bored to enjoy it.
There is no maual to how to live your life you just need to ride the rollar coaster and hold on tight only sometimes falling off.

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