Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letting Go

Moving on, we all have to do it at some point in our lives we move on from kindegarden to elementry school and eventually from college into the real world. We spend most of our young lives living with our parents and then must move on to growing up getting a job and supporting ourselves. And then there are relationships, we get into relationships hoping for the best and when they don't work out we have to move on, but how exactly do we do that? How do we go from loving someone with all our heart to cutting them completely out of our lives?
Breaking up with someone is never easy for the dumper and the person who is being dumped. Most people tend to side with the person who is dumped because they had no choice in the matter all the control for the decision was in the hands of the dumper, but what people fail to see is how for some dumpers they are just doing what they feel is right and that the decision they are making is not any easier on them because although they made the decision they really would have preferred not to. Now I know this is not the case in every relationship, but in my experience both sides still have equal right to miss the other. Because you got into the relationship in the first place means that something is there between the two of you that at one time you both recognized, but now you both have to let go.
What i have come to learn is letting go suck. excuse my lack of a better term, but I find that the more you have let someone in the harder it is to let them go out of your life and no matter how many people tell you, you will find someone else and that he was a loser you still know in your heart know how you felt and probably still feel about him.
We try to make the best decisions in life that hurt the least amount of people in the process, but sometimes as if often said the right road and the most difficult road are often the same. We often struggle to do what's best for both parties involved, but end up hurting both them and ourselves in the process. So what does that mean? I think it just means that in the process of letting go is also the hidden affect of us growing. Humans are only able to grow when they are faced with difficult times and getting through these hard times shows us how strong we really are. Did we make it through the day without going on his facebook page? Did you not text him recently? Those are the babysteps we need to be taking to let go and move towards where God wants us to be in our lives and that is happy.
Relationships end for many reasons, but the important thing is to recognize the good things that came out of them and identify the things that did not work so that the next time we enter into a relationship history will not repeat itself leaving us heartbroken for the same reason a second time.
Honestly I think I will always love him and he will always be a special person to me, but the fact is that I can not keep sitting here hoping things will change, but knowing deep down that they won't. I want him to be happy and not weighed down but my dissatisfaction when I am not happy with the way the relationship is going. I truly wish him all the best in life and in love and want him to find someone that will complement what a great person he is and I would like to find someone who makes me happy as well. Maybe sometime in the future we can be friends, but until that day I just want him to know that I never meant to hurt him and I wish much happiness and love to come his way.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Today is random acts of kindness day so the only question is who will you chose to show your kindness to today? but really we should be doing random actas of kindness every day. Brightening someone eles's day can in turn brighten our own day as well without doing much on our part. How many times a day to we fail to even say hi to those around us...the driver of the shuttle we are taking, the man sitting on the corner of the street, the janitor sweeping the floor infront of us. We all have the power to recognize the people around us and make them feel valued yet why don't we? Are we too busy with the affairs of our own lives or do we just not want to get involved in the lives of others around us? Either way brightening up someone's day can really brighten up our own and give us benefits that go far beyond the simple gesture we did for another person. Helping others who are going through a rought time can make us see that we are not alone in struggles to our pursuit of happiness. Everyone has a story and everyone needs some support along the journey of life. Its funny how we look at others as being so much different than ourselves when in reality we are all just people trying to do our best and at times failing in our efforts. Each of us has a story and each of us has expeirances with hard times and suffering. We all fight a different battle, but our end goal is always the same to have a good life in which we can be happy and prosper. Sometimes, like the song states, we just need a little help from our friends. 
so as we go on our day to day routines and place our mark on the world don't forget to show some kindness and compassion to those around you and maybe in return they will reciprocate the gesture. Karma has a way of coming around and maybe something you do for someone else will inspire them and the cycle will only grow :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nightly Typings

what is happiness and how do we achieve it? That is the question I have recently been faced with as I go forward in my life. Is happiness an ever evolving ever moving aim that changes as we grow older or do we know deep down what will make us happy we just get too distracted by the noise of the world around us. What if in our search for happiness we become enveloped in sadness and despair? I feel like for the most part I am a pretty happy go lucky person, but recently I have the ever increasing feeling that happiness does not have as strong a hold over my life and that I am failing to grasp at the way it is evolving. Is this a normal feeling to have. I mean when you honestly think about it when we are young we have very little to worry about and very little responsibility so why not be happy most of the time, but as we grow older were are bombarded with worry about the future our lives will take, who we will be and how the choices we make today will effect us for the rest of our lives.

But is all this stress really the cause of our unhappiness solely or can we break free to a world of happiness by just changing our attitude about the things we are going through. How much of our happiness depends on the state of our mind and how we chose to view the world? Is it my mind taking over with negative thoughts and feelings that is the real problem at work or am I just coming to the realization that something in my life should or needs to change?

We all just want to be happy and have our dreams come true, but how do we do that when we feel like our life does not seem to be leading us down the path we want to be on. how to we make the right decisions when we have expectations placed on us by others and commitments to other people?

I guess my real question is how do we be happy in a world that does its best to tear us down and make us feel insecure about ourselves and our lives? I just can't remember when it all changed. when my carefree happy life turned into something that seems dark and bleak. Or was it ever as happy and carefree as I thought? Do we look back on the past more fondly than truly was the case? and if so are we able to do that with our present and future as well?

How do we live a happy life?  

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can Music Inspire Happiness?

I found this website while on the website and wanted to explore whether music can really change a person's mood and I truely feel that listening to the right music can take someone from depression to cheerfulness if someone is willing to let themselves succume to the rythum of the music. See for yourself!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Songs for inspiration :)

The World by Brad Paisley

Who Says by Selena Gomez

F***ing Prefect by Pink

Live Life!

Recently I came across a quote talking about how you should live each and every moment to the fullest and claimed that, "every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back". How true this statement is and it reminded me how easily people get caught up in the bad of their lives that they fail to see the good. According to Anthony Robbins the only people that do not have problems are those in the cemetery. Let's be honest we all are dealing with the ups and downs life has given us, but by looking at the bright side of things and growing in times of struggle we can become stronger people who others will look to for inspiration.
Every person is viewed by those around them whether they like it or not and every person has the potential to show the people around them that they are stronger than the circumstances of their lives. That is the aim each and every one of us should have and as humans we like to see our fellow comrades overcoming the hardships of their lives because it gives us the hope that we will be able to do the same. Every person has someone that looks up to them for their life choices even if they don't know who that person is and by staying strong and overcoming these obstacles we show life that it will not get the best of us. One way we do this is by living a life fun of happiness in which we savor the moments we have with those we care about and laugh as much as we breath. Our greatest fear in life should not be when and how our life will end, but if and when it will truly begin.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Every Day is a New Day

The greates gift we are given in life is the moments that make up our lives. In our lives we are the one who guides the decisions we make and the places we go. We can choose to go to places that make us happy or we can choose to succum to the darkness of our pain and downfalls. what are we going to choose?

My hope is that we will choose happiness and that we live our lives in a way that brings joy to our lives, but for everyone this is not the case. In some instances the pain and weight of the past has lead us to not see the magic in the new day, but only the pain of another hour of yet another day. I am not naive enough to believe that the world is a pleasant place where no suffering exists because I myself have been through rough times, but if we look at each moment of our lives as a chance to do better and be better then we are able to be filled with hope. Life takes us all on many different twists and turns, but there are times when we get to decide which direction we will take and we should never feel traped since life is ever evolving just like us as people. We all take wrong turns in life, but we are also able to grow from those experiances and through our rough times we are able to appreciate the good times we were able to experiance.

so look not onto life as a set steady path, but as any ever evloving maze that we must walk through challenging our selves and the people we think we are knowing along the way that we will need to make adjustments to our original plan, but accepting this fact and embarcing it :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Letting God In

As I sit here and look on to the highway filled with wizzing cars I can physically see the craziness of the world outside. I our lives we are always in a rush to get anywhere, but for what? We rush and rush and push ourselves all for what satisfaction? To be the best? To have what others desire? But why can't we just take some time to spend alone and in silence with God? We don't spend enough time with God in our society. He is there for us at all times to infinity yet many fail to realize this fact. He is the one person who we don not need to convince to love us or impress with our worldly possessions yet he is the one being we all seem to forget about the most. In our world God often times seems in opposition as we convince oursleves that possessions matter and we should do whatever we want when we want to. Immediate gradification is all that most people are after not long lasting happiness that we can find in God. I watch the cars and think if only life could go at a slower pace and people could learn to appreciate what God offers them everyday...LIFE. I feel the world needs a savoir like God for people to believe in and strength them for the life they face everyday. God's love needs to be spread and this light should be found in each of us. Through our light we can let sunshine into people's lives and by doing so into our world as well. This wizzing cars don't know the love they can feel along with the happiness they will find in God. By looking for the sunshine of God's love people can find true and lasting happiness.